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UK Facts

700,000 people are on the autistic spectrum in the UK - that's more than 1 in 100. If you include their families, autism is a part of daily life for 2.8 million people.


Autism is 3x more prevalent in boys than girls.


Each year the UK spend around £32 BILLION in care and lost earnings to support children & adults with autism. (£1.5 MILLION per lifetime). 

With the right early intervention & support, people with autism can live more independently.


143,500 school aged children with autism are stated as their primary type of need in SEN support & EHC Plans.


646 state-funded or non-maintained schools approved for provision type autism.


21.7% of adults with autism in the UK are in any form of paid employment.



This is why Louisa wants to coach and educate autistic people with understanding the world and helping them with their life and business.

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Coaching with Louisa

Avon with Louisa

Nutonic with Louisa

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